
Briefly displays each page of the active publication, starting at the first page and proceeding by page spread.

Command constructor


Click to stop display.
Use this command to show all pages of a publication before printing it. Once started, the display will continue to cycle from the first page; click repeatedly to stop it.

Last command in script. Always place this command as the last command in the script; otherwise the results are unpredictable. Although other commands don't stop PShowPages, PageMaker can still receive and perform the commands while cycling through the pages. Therefore, you cannot control where in the publication a particular command is executed once PShowPages has begun.

Menu equivalent. The PShowPages command is equivalent to holding down the Shift key while selecting Go to Page from the Layout menu.

Layout view only. The PShowPages command works only in layout view.

Example. The following example allows you to preview each whole page in the entire publication by turning off the palettes and showing the pages of the publication (until you click to stop).

PShowPage(); // Click to stop

See also

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Layout > Go to Page

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